Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Happy Yule and Yoko Ono

Happy Yule everyone. We burned a yule log yesterday and watched the sun do its thing. Gorgeous sunshine and minus 11. Nice Winter Solstice.

I was really excited to receive an answer to a question that I sent to Yoko Ono. We're working on our next book, The Successful Female Rebel, and Yoko Ono is an inspiring example of a woman who's still working for peace and love. Just awesome.

Blessings of the season to all of you!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

You Say You Want a Revolution?

I received a letter from a reader yesterday asking a very intelligent question. To start our revolution, where should we begin?

I think that if we rebels just try to express ourselves in the world, authentically and honestly, then that will be our revolution, as so many people lie to others and especially to themselves. Radical honesty will start the revolution.

Let your freak flag fly!

Blessings on your path,


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Chick Code

After all of this incredible gossip surrounding Tiger Woods and his poor wife Elin, I have a simple comment to make.

Didn't any of these women involved have a mother or woman close to them teach them the Chick Code?

If you're not familiar with it, the Chick Code states that all women should abide by the rule that any woman's man is off limits to her sisters. That's it. If he's married or someone's boyfriend, you do not go after him.

Now I know, the men that cheat are making a wrong choice as well, and they are also responsible for the incredible hurt that their faithful wives and girlfriends go through, but if they never had the opportunity to cheat, wouldn't the world be a nicer place? Wouldn't these "other women" value themselves a whole lot more, as opposed to settling for "leftovers"? Wouldn't there be a lot less divorce, and a lot more happy kids with parents that stay together and love each other?

Something to think about.

Successful Rebels value honesty and authenticity above all. Just sayin.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interview tonight on Euro Rock Radio!!

I'll be interviewed this evening at 9pm on Euro Rock Radio by the lovely and talented Kelly! We'll be talking about the book, my interviews with Ville Valo, Alex Grey, Christina Cox, Mark Sanborn, and lots of other Successful Rebels... should be a great time.

The address is here: http://www.euro-rockradio.com

Please tune in and check it out. I may be persuaded to talk about some of the conversations that didn't make it into the book! ;)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My sister Christina Cox on Dexter!!

My sister, Christina Cox was the guest star on Dexter last week. She was an evil cop, serial killer, and Dexter eventually does what he always does... it was chilling!! Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sc-ilAMIrDo

Now you can see why she was such a handful to babysit!!

We are very proud of her work, and her interview section of our book is a very interesting read about the life of an actor. Check it out at http://www.thesuccessfulrebel.com

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Successful Rebel now available!!

"The Successful Rebel"grew out of a crisis about three years ago. Our family owned and operated automotive business began to experience a serious downturn due to the economy, and no one within our regular scope of success coaches could offer any help. In fact, they just tried to make money by spouting the same old chestnuts that had stopped working years ago. Not only did the words seem useless, they were hollow. We knew we wanted something different, something more.

So, we set off to interview the rebels and alternative people that were inspiring to us personally, as we truly no longer cared what mainstream society had to say about success. The world's economic, ecologic and moral situation is so dire, what the hell does the status quo know about success anyway? How many examples of true happiness did we see in our day-to-day life? Do you measure your success by your status, your bank account or your possessions? None of this resonated with us.

All of these questions started us on our path, and we hope that our books and website will help guide you along the road to your own dreams, without the distraction of listening to the status quo.

Let's form our own group of Successful Rebels, and make a difference in the world!

Here's the description of our book from Amazon:

In an unprecedented time of corporate greed, market turmoil, massive layoffs and looming economic chaos, it's clear that "toeing the line" and doing things traditionally hasn't worked. For all those people who have wanted to scream, "The emperor has no clothes!" and have refused to accept that there is only one way to happiness and economic freedom, enter The Successful Rebel. We'll show you how people far from the mainstream have made it and thrived - without selling out who they are or what they believe. With interviews from Finnish rock legend Ville Valo to cult favourite actress Christina Cox, we'll take you on a tour with some of the most original thinkers in the world.

Please check out our website at http://www.thesuccessfulrebel.com